(385) 853-5640
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Crown Finish offers professional handyman services in Utah, within Salt Lake and Utah counties. Danny and Austin have been working together for years. Both originally from Whittier, California, they have both been in various construction-related professions since each was 17 years old, and have 35 years of collective experience between the two of them.
Danny is Austin’s “bruncle” – both his uncle AND brother-in-law (their wives are sisters). Danny got his start in “the business” at the age of 17 when his father, who regretted having no carpentry skills himself, paid a neighbor to hire Danny at his cabinetry business, even paying Danny’s wages until he could handle solo work with the neighbor’s company! Eventually, Danny became a general contractor, held various positions, and then started and owned his own various construction-related companies throughout his career.
Danny, whose expertise is carpentry and woodworking, has four children – one son (the oldest, at 20) and three younger daughters – 18, 17, and 15. Austin, whose expertise is tiling, has four children – one son (the youngest at almost 1 year old) and three older daughters – 1, 2, and 5. Both enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes with handiwork, carpentry, tiling, etc. They also love the creativity it allows, as well as the act of crossing items off a “to-do” list and seeing a job well done.
Austin got his start at the age of 17 with Danny’s framing company. Then after parting ways, spending some time in the military, and gaining invaluable tiling experience, Austin suggested joining forces with Danny and the rest is history.